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Win Awards

A note to all webmasters: As of this day foreward, I will only be looking at web sites submitted for awards, if they DO NOT contain spoilers, apart from if they are clearly marked as being spoilers, or containing spoilers, due to the fact that here in Australia we are only about half way through Season 5, and I have been spoiled signing guestbooks and reviewing sites by people who have either seen the episodes ahead of me, or have got hidden spoilers.

Want to win one of these awards? Fill out the form or E-mail me with your name, E-mail address, web site's name, web site address and why you should win. I will send you an E-mail with your award if you have won. If you don't hear from me within a week of sending your application, assume you haven't won.

Buffy's Bronze Award
This award is the easiest award to win. It is for sites that fall into these catagories:
-more than 5 pages
-Buffy and/or Angel related fan site
-some pictures
-some information
-no stolen or copied information
An enrty in my guestbook is not compulsary but it is appreciated. Also, a link to my site (be it a banner, button or text, I don't mind) is a worthy little nifty.

Spike's Splendid Silver Award
This award is for sites containing:
-more than 10 pages
-Buffy or Angel related fan site (no Buffy bashing accepted)
-good, original information
-at least one picture on each page
-a link to my site (banners and buttons are great, but text is fine too)
-some graphics created by the site owner
-no broken links or 'faulty' images
An enrty in my guestbook is not compulsary but it is appreciated and will help in my decision making..

The Cordelia's Cup Award
(picture not available today due to construction)
This is the most difficult award to win. Your site must contain:
-at least 20 pages
-interesting and original information
-pleanty of pictures
-some graphics created by the site owner
-a link to my site (banners or buttons are best but text is fine too)
-an entry in my guestbook
-obvious evidence of hard work and dedication
-no broken or 'faulty' links or images
 (Image not available yet)

No right click-with link to I.O.S.P

Web Site Name:
which award:
guestbook entry?:
Yes or No? If yes, please explain so I can avoid the spoilers.: